Thanks to the incredible generosity of the people of Chelmsford over recent months, we have been overwhelmed by food donations and we find ourselves in a position to be able to easily meet demand over the coming months. In an attempt to steward well all that has been given to us, we would respectfully ask that where possible, all donations are paused so we can process the stock we have. If your collection has already begun and is off our current Christmas list, we will do our best to accommodate and distribute it – please call us on 07512 574542. We are very grateful for the ongoing support and kindness of the public and organisations and will keep communicating about any needs we may find that we have in the coming weeks and months. Please ‘like’ and follow us on Facebook to be kept up to date.
If you know of anyone who could do with an emergency food parcel, please ask them to get in touch Chelmsford Citizen’s Advice on 01245 205579 or the Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service 0300 247 0014 who will be able to issue a voucher which can then be exchanged for food at one our centres. In addition to food, we are able to advise of agencies who might be able to help people with the underlying issues that have led to food poverty.