About our foodbank
Here is an introduction to our project.
Welcome to the Chelmsford Foodbank ………
Chelmsford Foodbank is a project of the The River Church, Chelmsford, with volunteers drawn from many churches and individuals from across the region.
We have Food Distribution Centres open in different parts of Chelmsford, click here to find your nearest centre. You are welcome to come to any of them irrespective of where you obtained your voucher.
You will find a friendly reception at each Centre where you will be valued in a non-judgemental way. Someone will be there to receive you and sit with you as others sort out your food donation which will be packed into ordinary plastic bags. You could help us a lot if you could bring some of your own bags. We try to have some toiletries available for you as well. It is important that you obtain a voucher before coming to one of our food distribution centres, and please note that each voucher must be redeemed within 3 days of you obtaining it.
For those donating non-perishable food items, click here for collection points and a shopping list showing our immediate needs, which is updated each month. The latest shopping list can also be found in the “news” page on this website. Thank you for your generosity.
Chelmsford Foodbank is overseen by The River Church Chelmsford Ltd, a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England number: 7685257. Registered charity number: 1144804. Please find below our volunteer policy, complaints policy, information risk policy and safeguarding policy. Other policies available on request.
Volunteer Policy, Complaints Policy, Information Risk Policy, Safeguarding Policy